Anatomical and speech characteristics according to type of altered lingual frenum in children aged 6 to 12 years
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frenulum of the tongue

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Parra-Reyes D, Sanzana-Leiva A, Sandi-Rojas HC. Anatomical and speech characteristics according to type of altered lingual frenum in children aged 6 to 12 years. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 30 [cited 2024 May 20];17(1):53-62. Available from:


Objective: to determine the anatomical and speech characteristics according to the type of altered lingual frenulum in children aged 6 to 12 years from an educational institution in Tacna, Peru. Methodology: quantitative in nature, descriptive, cross-sectional and non-experimental design. The sample consisted of all the children who present alterations in the frenulum of the tongue, this being 37 children who attend an educational institution in Lima. Peru. Informed consent and the lingual frenulum identification protocol proposed by Dr. Irene Marchesan were used for data collection. Results: it is determined that both the short frenulum, the anterior frenulum and the short frenulum and at the same time anterior, present a greater elevation of the floor with 77.3%, 77.8% and 50% respectively. Finally, the most outstanding characteristics of speech according to the type of tongue tie, it is determined that speech distortion is manifested in all types of tongue tie, that is, in the short and at the same time anterior frenulum, anterior frenulum and short frenulum, with 50%, 44.4% and 36.4%, respectively; followed by a locked joint with 40.9%, 33.3% and 17%, for the frenulum brevis, frenulum anterior, and the frenulum brevis at the same time and anterior, respectively. Conclusions: the anatomical characteristics according to the type of tongue frenulum, it is determined that both the short frenulum, the anterior frenulum, and the short and anterior frenulum present a greater floor elevation. In the characteristics of speech according to the type of tongue tie, speech distortion and a locked articulation are more frequently evident.
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Copyright (c) 2023 David Parra-Reyes, Andres Sanzana-Leiva, Henry Christopher Sandi Rojas


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